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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Artedidraconidae Barbled plunderfishes

Genus: Pogonophryne

(See list of species below)

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22 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 3.8 cm SL

Pogonophryne albipinna
[Whitefin plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Pogonophryne barsukovi Andriashev, 1967

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne barsukovi
[Stubbeard plunderfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 23.4 cm TL

Pogonophryne bellingshausenensis
[Spotless nape plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean, East Anta
Max. Length 26.7 cm TL
Pogonophryne brevibarbata Balushkin, Petrov & Prutko, 2011

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne brevibarbata
[Shortbeard plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 25 cm SL

Pogonophryne cerebropogon
[Brainbeard plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 6.7 cm TL

Pogonophryne dewitti
[DeWitt’s plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 19.4 cm SL

Pogonophryne eakini
[Eakin’s plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 13.8 cm SL

Pogonophryne fusca
[Dark toad plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Pogonophryne immaculata Eakin, 1981

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne immaculata
[Spotless plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 25 cm TL

Pogonophryne lanceobarbata
[Lancebeard plunderfish]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 34 cm TL
Pogonophryne macropogon Eakin, 1981

Photo by FAO
Pogonophryne macropogon
[Greatbeard plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Pogonophryne marmorata Norman, 1938

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne marmorata
[Marbled plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean

Pogonophryne mentella Andriashev, 1967

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne mentella
[Longbeard plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Antarctic (Pacific)
Max. Length 35.5 cm TL
Pogonophryne neyelovi Shandikov & Eakin, 2013

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne neyelovi
[Hopbeard plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 16.4 cm SL

Pogonophryne orangiensis
[Orangebeard plunderfish]

Photo by FAO

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Pogonophryne permitini Andriashev, 1967

Photo by FAO
Pogonophryne permitini
[Finespotted plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 8.1 cm TL

Pogonophryne platypogon
[Flatbeard plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 31 cm TL
Pogonophryne scotti Regan, 1914

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne scotti
[Saddleback plunderfish]
No picture found
Southern Ocean
Max. Length 14.7 cm SL

Pogonophryne squamibarbata
[Scalebeard plunderfish]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 24.8 cm SL

Pogonophryne stewarti
[Whipbeard plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean, East Anta
Max. Length 26 cm TL
Pogonophryne tronio Shandikov, Eakin & Usachev, 2013

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne tronio
[Turquoise plunderfish]

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.

Southern Ocean
Max. Length 26 cm TL
Pogonophryne ventrimaculata Eakin, 1987

Photo by Shandikov, G.A.
Pogonophryne ventrimaculata
[Spotbelly plunderfish]
22 Species of Family Artedidraconidae with Genus Pogonophryne
(Barbled plunderfishes)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1981 Pogonophryne albipinna Whitefin plunderfish Southern Ocean 3.8 SL
1967 Pogonophryne barsukovi Stubbeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 25 TL
2008 Pogonophryne bellingshausenensis Spotless nape plunderfish Antarctica 23.4 TL
2011 Pogonophryne brevibarbata Shortbeard plunderfish Southern Ocean, East Anta 26.7 TL
1998 Pogonophryne cerebropogon Brainbeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 25 SL
1988 Pogonophryne dewitti DeWitt’s plunderfish Southern Ocean 6.7 TL
1999 Pogonophryne eakini Eakin’s plunderfish Southern Ocean 19.4 SL
1998 Pogonophryne fusca Dark toad plunderfish Southern Ocean 13.8 SL
1981 Pogonophryne immaculata Spotless plunderfish Southern Ocean 25 TL
1987 Pogonophryne lanceobarbata Lancebeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 25 TL
1981 Pogonophryne macropogon Greatbeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 34 TL
1938 Pogonophryne marmorata Marbled plunderfish Southern Ocean 21 TL
1967 Pogonophryne mentella Longbeard plunderfish Southern Ocean
2013 Pogonophryne neyelovi Hopbeard plunderfish Antarctic (Pacific) 35.5 TL
1998 Pogonophryne orangiensis Orangebeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 16.4 SL
1967 Pogonophryne permitini Finespotted plunderfish Southern Ocean 21 TL
1988 Pogonophryne platypogon Flatbeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 8.1 TL
1914 Pogonophryne scotti Saddleback plunderfish Southern Ocean 31 TL
2000 Pogonophryne squamibarbata Scalebeard plunderfish Southern Ocean 14.7 SL
2009 Pogonophryne stewarti Whipbeard plunderfish Eastern Indian Ocean 24.8 SL
2013 Pogonophryne tronio Turquoise plunderfish Southern Ocean, East Anta 26 TL
1987 Pogonophryne ventrimaculata Spotbelly plunderfish Southern Ocean 26 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013