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Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Haemulidae Grunts
Subfamily: Haemulinae
Genus: Pomadasys

(See list of species below)

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34 species (see list below)

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Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 27 cm TL
Pomadasys aheneus McKay & Randall, 1995

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys aheneus
[Yellowback grunt]

Photo by Satapoomin, U.

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 15.4 cm TL
Pomadasys andamanensis McKay & Satapoomin, 1994

Photo by Satapoomin, U.
Pomadasys andamanensis

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 70 cm TL
Pomadasys argenteus (Forsskål, 1775)

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.
Pomadasys argenteus
[Silver grunt]

Photo by Hasan, M.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Pomadasys argyreus (Valenciennes, 1833)

Photo by Hasan, M.E.
Pomadasys argyreus
[Bluecheek silver grunt]

Photo by Chua, E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 52 cm TL
Pomadasys auritus (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by Chua, E.
Pomadasys auritus
[Longhead grunt]

Photo by Laaz, E.

Central and South America
Max. Length 51 cm TL
Pomadasys bayanus Jordan & Evermann, 1898

Photo by Laaz, E.
Pomadasys bayanus
[Purplemouth grunt]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Pomadasys bipunctatus

Photo by Amezcua Linares, F.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Pomadasys branickii (Steindachner, 1879)

Photo by Amezcua Linares, F.
Pomadasys branickii
[Sand grunt]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 80 cm TL
Pomadasys commersonnii (Lacepède, 1801)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys commersonnii
[Smallspotted grunter]

Photo by Artigas Azas, J.M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 38 cm TL
Pomadasys crocro (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by Artigas Azas, J.M.
Pomadasys crocro
[Burro grunt]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Central Pacific
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Pomadasys empherus Bussing, 1993

Photo by FAO
Pomadasys empherus
[Bigspine grunt]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 50 cm FL
Pomadasys furcatus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys furcatus
[Banded grunter]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 46 cm TL
Pomadasys guoraca (Cuvier, 1829)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys guoraca

Photo by Hernández-González, C.L.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Pomadasys incisus (Bowdich, 1825)

Photo by Hernández-González, C.L.
Pomadasys incisus
[Bastard grunt]

Photo by JJPhoto

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Pomadasys jubelini (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by JJPhoto
Pomadasys jubelini
[Sompat grunt]

Photo by Khan, M.M.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 80 cm TL
Pomadasys kaakan (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by Khan, M.M.
Pomadasys kaakan
[Javelin grunter]

Photo by SFSA

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 18 cm TL
Pomadasys laurentino (Smith, 1953)

Photo by SFSA
Pomadasys laurentino
[Manylined grunter]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 37 cm TL
Pomadasys macracanthus (Günther, 1864)

Photo by Robertson, R.
Pomadasys macracanthus
[Longspine grunt]

Photo by Bogorodsky, S.V.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 59.3 cm TL
Pomadasys maculatus (Bloch, 1793)

Photo by Bogorodsky, S.V.
Pomadasys maculatus
[Saddle grunt]

Photo by FAO

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 76 cm TL
Pomadasys multimaculatus (Playfair, 1867)

Photo by FAO
Pomadasys multimaculatus
[Cock grunter]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 55 cm TL
Pomadasys olivaceus (Day, 1875)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys olivaceus
[Olive grunt]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 39 cm TL
Pomadasys panamensis (Steindachner, 1876)

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Pomadasys panamensis
[Panama grunt]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 36 cm TL
Pomadasys perotaei (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by FAO
Pomadasys perotaei
[Parrot grunt]

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Pomadasys punctulatus (Rüppell, 1838)

Photo by Hermosa, Jr., G.V.
Pomadasys punctulatus
[Lined grunt]

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 12.3 cm SL
Pomadasys quadrilineatus Shen & Lin, 1984

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Pomadasys quadrilineatus
[Yellow-lined grunter]

Photo by Macieira, R.M.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Pomadasys ramosus (Poey, 1860)

Photo by Macieira, R.M.
Pomadasys ramosus

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Pomadasys rogerii (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Pomadasys rogerii
[Pigsnout grunt]
No picture found
Southeast Pacific

Pomadasys schyrii

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 22 cm TL
Pomadasys striatus (Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys striatus
[Striped grunter]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 20 cm TL
Pomadasys stridens (Forsskål, 1775)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Pomadasys stridens
[Striped piggy]
No picture found
Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 40 cm TL

Pomadasys suillus

Photo by Field, R.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 25 cm TL
Pomadasys taeniatus McKay & Randall, 1995

Photo by Field, R.
Pomadasys taeniatus
[Bronzestriped grunt]

Photo by FAO

Western Pacific

Pomadasys trifasciatus Fowler, 1937

Photo by FAO
Pomadasys trifasciatus
[Black-ear javelin]

Photo by CAFS

Western Pacific
Max. Length 19 cm SL
Pomadasys unimaculatus Tian, 1982

Photo by CAFS
Pomadasys unimaculatus
[Red patched grunter]
34 Species of Family Haemulidae with Genus Pomadasys
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1995 Pomadasys aheneus Yellowback grunt Western Indian Ocean 27 TL
1994 Pomadasys andamanensis Eastern Indian Ocean 15.4 TL
1775 Pomadasys argenteus Silver grunt Indo-West Pacific 70 TL
1833 Pomadasys argyreus Bluecheek silver grunt Indo-West Pacific 40 TL
1830 Pomadasys auritus Longhead grunt Western Pacific 52 TL
1898 Pomadasys bayanus Purplemouth grunt Central and South America 51 TL
1898 Pomadasys bipunctatus Southeast Pacific
1879 Pomadasys branickii Sand grunt Eastern Pacific 30 TL
1801 Pomadasys commersonnii Smallspotted grunter Western Indian Ocean 80 TL
1830 Pomadasys crocro Burro grunt Western Atlantic 38 TL
1993 Pomadasys empherus Bigspine grunt Eastern Central Pacific 21 TL
1801 Pomadasys furcatus Banded grunter Indo-West Pacific 50 FL
1829 Pomadasys guoraca Indo-Pacific 46 TL
1825 Pomadasys incisus Bastard grunt Eastern Atlantic 50 TL
1830 Pomadasys jubelini Sompat grunt Eastern Atlantic 60 TL
1830 Pomadasys kaakan Javelin grunter Indo-West Pacific 80 TL
1953 Pomadasys laurentino Manylined grunter Western Indian Ocean 18 TL
1864 Pomadasys macracanthus Longspine grunt Eastern Pacific 37 TL
1793 Pomadasys maculatus Saddle grunt Indo-West Pacific 59.3 TL
1867 Pomadasys multimaculatus Cock grunter Indian Ocean 76 TL
1875 Pomadasys olivaceus Olive grunt Southeast Atlantic 55 TL
1876 Pomadasys panamensis Panama grunt Eastern Pacific 39 TL
1830 Pomadasys perotaei Parrot grunt Eastern Atlantic 36 TL
1838 Pomadasys punctulatus Lined grunt Western Indian Ocean 30 TL
1984 Pomadasys quadrilineatus Yellow-lined grunter Northwest Pacific 12.3 SL
1860 Pomadasys ramosus Western Atlantic 35 TL
1830 Pomadasys rogerii Pigsnout grunt Eastern Atlantic 60 TL
1900 Pomadasys schyrii Southeast Pacific
1908 Pomadasys striatus Striped grunter Western Indian Ocean 22 TL
1775 Pomadasys stridens Striped piggy Indian Ocean 20 TL
1833 Pomadasys suillus Eastern Atlantic 40 TL
1995 Pomadasys taeniatus Bronzestriped grunt Western Indian Ocean 25 TL
1937 Pomadasys trifasciatus Black-ear javelin Western Pacific
1982 Pomadasys unimaculatus Red patched grunter Western Pacific 19 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013