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Family: Plotosidae Eeltail catfishes

(See list of species below)

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41 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Max. Length 40 cm TL

Anodontiglanis dahli
[Toothless catfish]

Photo by Banks, I.

Max. Length 91 cm SL
Cnidoglanis macrocephalus (Valenciennes, 1840)

Photo by Banks, I.
Cnidoglanis macrocephalus
[Estuary cobbler]

Photo by CSIRO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 46 cm TL
Euristhmus lepturus (Günther, 1864)

Photo by CSIRO
Euristhmus lepturus
[Long-tailed catfish]

Photo by Vierke, J.

Eastern Indian Ocean

Euristhmus microceps (Richardson, 1845)

Photo by Vierke, J.
Euristhmus microceps
[Smallhead catfish]
No picture found
Western Central Pacific

Euristhmus microphthalmus

Photo by CSIRO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 33 cm TL
Euristhmus nudiceps (Günther, 1880)

Photo by CSIRO
Euristhmus nudiceps
[Naked-headed catfish]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean

Euristhmus sandrae
No picture found
Max. Length 46 cm SL

Neosiluroides cooperensis
[Cooper creek catfish]

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 47 cm TL
Neosilurus ater (Perugia, 1894)

Photo by JJPhoto
Neosilurus ater
[Narrowfront tandan]

Photo by James, A.

Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 20 cm SL
Neosilurus brevidorsalis (Günther, 1867)

Photo by James, A.
Neosilurus brevidorsalis
[Shortfin tandan]
No picture found

Neosilurus coatesi
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Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 37.5 cm TL

Neosilurus equinus
[Southern tandan]
No picture found
Max. Length 30 cm TL

Neosilurus gjellerupi
[Northern tandan]
No picture found
Max. Length 9 cm SL

Neosilurus gloveri
[Dalhousie catfish]

Photo by Aland, G.

Max. Length 34 cm SL
Neosilurus hyrtlii Steindachner, 1867

Photo by Aland, G.
Neosilurus hyrtlii
[Hyrtl's catfish]
No picture found
Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 27 cm SL

Neosilurus idenburgi
[Idenburg tandan]
No picture found
Max. Length 44 cm SL

Neosilurus mollespiculum
[Soft-spined catfish]
No picture found
Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 21 cm SL

Neosilurus novaeguineae
[New Guinea tandan]
No picture found
Max. Length 35 cm SL

Neosilurus pseudospinosus
[False-spined catfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 15 cm TL

Oloplotosus luteus
[Pale yellow tandan]
No picture found
Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 15 cm TL

Oloplotosus mariae
[Maria's tandan]
No picture found
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Oloplotosus torobo
[Kutubu tandan]

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 134 cm TL
Paraplotosus albilabris (Valenciennes, 1840)

Photo by FAO
Paraplotosus albilabris
[Whitelipped eel catfish]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 32.5 cm SL

Paraplotosus butleri
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Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 26.8 cm SL

Paraplotosus muelleri
[Kimberley catfish]
No picture found
Western Pacific.

Plotosus abbreviatus

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 150 cm TL
Plotosus canius Hamilton, 1822

Photo by Jean-Francois Helias / Fishing Adventures Thailand
Plotosus canius
[Gray eel-catfish]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Plotosus fisadoha

Photo by Shiina, M.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 18.3 cm SL
Plotosus japonicus Yoshino & Kishimoto, 2008

Photo by Shiina, M.
Plotosus japonicus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 41 cm SL
Plotosus limbatus Valenciennes, 1840

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plotosus limbatus
[Darkfin eel catfish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 32 cm TL
Plotosus lineatus (Thunberg, 1787)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plotosus lineatus
[Striped eel catfish]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 24.3 cm TL

Plotosus nhatrangensis

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 51 cm SL
Plotosus nkunga Gomon & Taylor, 1982

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Plotosus nkunga
[Stinging eel catfish]

Photo by Burke, S.

Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 55 cm TL
Plotosus papuensis Weber, 1910

Photo by Burke, S.
Plotosus papuensis
[Papuan eel-catfish]

Photo by Reg Morrison/AUSCAPE

Max. Length 35 cm TL
Porochilus argenteus (Zietz, 1896)

Photo by Reg Morrison/AUSCAPE
Porochilus argenteus
No picture found
Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 24 cm TL

Porochilus meraukensis
[Merauke tandan]
No picture found
Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 12 cm TL

Porochilus obbesi
[Obbes' catfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 20 cm SL

Porochilus rendahli
[Rendahl's catfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 50 cm TL

Tandanus bostocki
[Freshwater cobbler]

Photo by Coughran, J.

Max. Length 90 cm TL
Tandanus tandanus (Mitchell, 1838)

Photo by Coughran, J.
Tandanus tandanus
[Freshwater catfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 39.5 cm SL

Tandanus tropicanus
41 Species of Family Plotosidae
(Eeltail catfishes)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1922 Anodontiglanis dahli Toothless catfish Oceania 40 TL
1840 Cnidoglanis macrocephalus Estuary cobbler Indo-Pacific 91 SL
1864 Euristhmus lepturus Long-tailed catfish Indo-West Pacific 46 TL
1845 Euristhmus microceps Smallhead catfish Eastern Indian Ocean
2006 Euristhmus microphthalmus Western Central Pacific
1880 Euristhmus nudiceps Naked-headed catfish Indo-West Pacific 33 TL
2006 Euristhmus sandrae Eastern Indian Ocean
1998 Neosiluroides cooperensis Cooper creek catfish Oceania 46 SL
1894 Neosilurus ater Narrowfront tandan Oceania 47 TL
1867 Neosilurus brevidorsalis Shortfin tandan Asia and Oceania 20 SL
1985 Neosilurus coatesi Oceania
1913 Neosilurus equinus Southern tandan Asia and Oceania 37.5 TL
1913 Neosilurus gjellerupi Northern tandan Oceania 30 TL
1998 Neosilurus gloveri Dalhousie catfish Oceania 9 SL
1867 Neosilurus hyrtlii Hyrtl's catfish Oceania 34 SL
1940 Neosilurus idenburgi Idenburg tandan Asia and Oceania 27 SL
1998 Neosilurus mollespiculum Soft-spined catfish Oceania 44 SL
1907 Neosilurus novaeguineae New Guinea tandan Asia and Oceania 21 SL
1998 Neosilurus pseudospinosus False-spined catfish Oceania 35 SL
1978 Oloplotosus luteus Pale yellow tandan Oceania 15 TL
1913 Oloplotosus mariae Maria's tandan Asia and Oceania 15 TL
1985 Oloplotosus torobo Kutubu tandan Oceania 20 TL
1840 Paraplotosus albilabris Whitelipped eel catfish Indo-West Pacific 134 TL
1998 Paraplotosus butleri Indo-West Pacific 32.5 SL
1879 Paraplotosus muelleri Kimberley catfish Indo-West Pacific 26.8 SL
1895 Plotosus abbreviatus Western Pacific.
1822 Plotosus canius Gray eel-catfish Indo-West Pacific 150 TL
2002 Plotosus fisadoha Western Indian Ocean
2008 Plotosus japonicus Northwest Pacific 18.3 SL
1840 Plotosus limbatus Darkfin eel catfish Western Indian Ocean 41 SL
1787 Plotosus lineatus Striped eel catfish Indo-Pacific 32 TL
2008 Plotosus nhatrangensis Western Pacific 24.3 TL
1982 Plotosus nkunga Stinging eel catfish Western Indian Ocean 51 SL
1910 Plotosus papuensis Papuan eel-catfish Asia and Oceania 55 TL
1896 Porochilus argenteus Oceania 35 TL
1913 Porochilus meraukensis Merauke tandan Asia and Oceania 24 TL
1913 Porochilus obbesi Obbes' catfish Asia and Oceania 12 TL
1928 Porochilus rendahli Rendahl's catfish Oceania 20 SL
1944 Tandanus bostocki Freshwater cobbler Oceania 50 TL
1838 Tandanus tandanus Freshwater catfish Oceania 90 TL
2014 Tandanus tropicanus Oceania 39.5 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013