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Family: Malacanthidae Tilefishes

(See list of species below)

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45 species (see list below)

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Photo by Shao, K.T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 45 cm TL
Branchiostegus albus Dooley, 1978

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Branchiostegus albus

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 27.3 cm SL
Branchiostegus argentatus (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Branchiostegus argentatus

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Branchiostegus auratus (Kishinouye, 1907)

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Branchiostegus auratus

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 26.6 cm SL
Branchiostegus australiensis Dooley & Kailola, 1988

Photo by FAO
Branchiostegus australiensis
[Australian tilefish]

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 40 cm TL
Branchiostegus doliatus (Cuvier, 1830)

Photo by Gloerfelt-Tarp, T.
Branchiostegus doliatus
[Ribbed tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 24 cm SL
Branchiostegus gloerfelti Dooley & Kailola, 1988

Photo by FAO
Branchiostegus gloerfelti

Photo by FAO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 26 cm SL
Branchiostegus hedlandensis Dooley & Kailola, 1988

Photo by FAO
Branchiostegus hedlandensis
[Port Hedland tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 27 cm SL
Branchiostegus ilocanus Herre, 1928

Photo by FAO
Branchiostegus ilocanus

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 46 cm TL
Branchiostegus japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Branchiostegus japonicus
[Horsehead tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 25.5 cm SL
Branchiostegus paxtoni Dooley & Kailola, 1988

Photo by FAO
Branchiostegus paxtoni
[Paxton's tilefish]

Photo by Iwatsuki, Y.

Pacific Ocean
Max. Length 32.9 cm SL
Branchiostegus saitoi Dooley & Iwatsuki, 2012

Photo by Iwatsuki, Y.
Branchiostegus saitoi

Photo by Khalaf, M.A.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Branchiostegus sawakinensis Amirthalingam, 1969

Photo by Khalaf, M.A.
Branchiostegus sawakinensis
[Freckled tilefish]

Photo by Wirtz, P.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Branchiostegus semifasciatus (Norman, 1931)

Photo by Wirtz, P.
Branchiostegus semifasciatus
[Zebra tilefish]

Photo by Peoples, M.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 28.5 cm SL
Branchiostegus serratus Dooley & Paxton, 1975

Photo by Peoples, M.
Branchiostegus serratus
[Australian barred tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Pacific
Max. Length 24 cm SL
Branchiostegus vittatus Herre, 1926

Photo by FAO
Branchiostegus vittatus

Photo by Justine, J.-L.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 40 cm SL
Branchiostegus wardi Whitley, 1932

Photo by Justine, J.-L.
Branchiostegus wardi
[Ward's tilefish]

Photo by Robertson, R.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 49.5 cm TL
Caulolatilus affinis Gill, 1865

Photo by Robertson, R.
Caulolatilus affinis
[Bighead tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 40.7 cm TL
Caulolatilus bermudensis Dooley, 1981

Photo by FAO
Caulolatilus bermudensis
[Bermuda tilefish]

Photo by Kolding, J.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Caulolatilus chrysops (Valenciennes, 1833)

Photo by Kolding, J.
Caulolatilus chrysops
[Atlantic goldeneye tilefish]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Caulolatilus cyanops Poey, 1866

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Caulolatilus cyanops
[Blackline tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Caulolatilus dooleyi Berry, 1978

Photo by FAO
Caulolatilus dooleyi
[Bankslope tilefish]

Photo by Kolding, J.

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Caulolatilus guppyi Beebe & Tee-Van, 1937

Photo by Kolding, J.
Caulolatilus guppyi
[Reticulated tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 36 cm SL
Caulolatilus hubbsi Dooley, 1978

Photo by FAO
Caulolatilus hubbsi
[Hubbs' tilefish]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 60 cm TL
Caulolatilus intermedius Howell Rivero, 1936

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Caulolatilus intermedius
[Gulf bareye tilefish]

Photo by Flescher, D.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 90 cm TL
Caulolatilus microps Goode & Bean, 1878

Photo by Flescher, D.
Caulolatilus microps
[Grey tilefish]

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 102 cm TL
Caulolatilus princeps (Jenyns, 1840)

Photo by Gotshall, D.W.
Caulolatilus princeps
[Ocean whitefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Atlantic
Max. Length 46.9 cm TL
Caulolatilus williamsi Dooley & Berry, 1977

Photo by FAO
Caulolatilus williamsi
[Yellowbar tilefish]

Photo by Mishiku, A.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL
Hoplolatilus chlupatyi Klausewitz, McCosker, Randall & Zetzsche, 1978

Photo by Mishiku, A.
Hoplolatilus chlupatyi
[Chameleon sand tilefish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 16 cm TL
Hoplolatilus cuniculus Randall & Dooley, 1974

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Hoplolatilus cuniculus
[Dusky tilefish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 16 cm TL
Hoplolatilus erdmanni Allen, 2007

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Hoplolatilus erdmanni
[Triton tilefish]

Photo by Marsden, A.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 14 cm TL
Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri Smith, 1964

Photo by Marsden, A.
Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri
[Yellow-spotted tilefish]

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 21 cm TL
Hoplolatilus fronticinctus (Günther, 1887)

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Hoplolatilus fronticinctus
[Pastel tilefish]
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Hoplolatilus geo

Photo by Satapoomin, U.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL
Hoplolatilus luteus Allen & Kuiter, 1989

Photo by Satapoomin, U.
Hoplolatilus luteus
[Yellow tilefish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Max. Length 12 cm TL
Hoplolatilus marcosi Burgess, 1978

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Hoplolatilus marcosi
[Redback sand tilefish]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 14.1 cm SL
Hoplolatilus oreni (Clark & Ben-Tuvia, 1973)

Photo by FAO
Hoplolatilus oreni

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 11 cm SL
Hoplolatilus pohle Earle & Pyle, 1997

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Hoplolatilus pohle
[Pohle's tilefish]

Photo by Steene, R.

Indo West Pacific
Max. Length 13 cm TL
Hoplolatilus purpureus Burgess, 1978

Photo by Steene, R.
Hoplolatilus purpureus
[Purple sand tilefish]

Photo by Allen, G.R.

Indo West Pacific
Max. Length 15.4 cm SL
Hoplolatilus randalli Allen, Erdmann & Hamilton, 2010

Photo by Allen, G.R.
Hoplolatilus randalli
[Randall’s tilefish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Indo Pacific
Max. Length 15.5 cm TL
Hoplolatilus starcki Randall & Dooley, 1974

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Hoplolatilus starcki
[Stark's tilefish]

Photo by Buckley, W.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 125 cm TL
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Goode & Bean, 1879

Photo by Buckley, W.
Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps
[Great northern tilefish]

Photo by de Almeida, F.M.

Southwest Atlantic
Max. Length 107 cm TL
Lopholatilus villarii Miranda Ribeiro, 1915

Photo by de Almeida, F.M.
Lopholatilus villarii
[Tile fish]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 32 cm TL
Malacanthus brevirostris Guichenot, 1848

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Malacanthus brevirostris

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Max. Length 45 cm SL
Malacanthus latovittatus (Lacepède, 1801)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Malacanthus latovittatus
[Blue blanquillo]

Photo by Randall, J.E.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 70 cm SL
Malacanthus plumieri (Bloch, 1786)

Photo by Randall, J.E.
Malacanthus plumieri
[Sand tilefish]
45 Species of Family Malacanthidae
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1978 Branchiostegus albus Northwest Pacific 45 TL
1830 Branchiostegus argentatus Western Pacific 27.3 SL
1907 Branchiostegus auratus Western Pacific 30 TL
1988 Branchiostegus australiensis Australian tilefish Indo-West Pacific 26.6 SL
1830 Branchiostegus doliatus Ribbed tilefish Western Indian Ocean 40 TL
1988 Branchiostegus gloerfelti Indo-West Pacific 24 SL
1988 Branchiostegus hedlandensis Port Hedland tilefish Eastern Indian Ocean 26 SL
1928 Branchiostegus ilocanus Western Central Pacific 27 SL
1782 Branchiostegus japonicus Horsehead tilefish Western Pacific 46 TL
1988 Branchiostegus paxtoni Paxton's tilefish Eastern Indian Ocean 25.5 SL
2012 Branchiostegus saitoi Pacific Ocean 32.9 SL
1969 Branchiostegus sawakinensis Freckled tilefish Indo-West Pacific 60 TL
1931 Branchiostegus semifasciatus Zebra tilefish Eastern Atlantic 60 TL
1975 Branchiostegus serratus Australian barred tilefish Western Pacific 28.5 SL
1926 Branchiostegus vittatus Western Pacific 24 SL
1932 Branchiostegus wardi Ward's tilefish Western Pacific 40 SL
1865 Caulolatilus affinis Bighead tilefish Eastern Pacific 49.5 TL
1981 Caulolatilus bermudensis Bermuda tilefish Western Central Atlantic 40.7 TL
1833 Caulolatilus chrysops Atlantic goldeneye tilefish Western Atlantic 60 TL
1866 Caulolatilus cyanops Blackline tilefish Western Atlantic 60 TL
1978 Caulolatilus dooleyi Bankslope tilefish Western Central Atlantic 35 TL
1937 Caulolatilus guppyi Reticulated tilefish Western Central Atlantic 35 TL
1978 Caulolatilus hubbsi Hubbs' tilefish Eastern Pacific 36 SL
1936 Caulolatilus intermedius Gulf bareye tilefish Western Central Atlantic 60 TL
1878 Caulolatilus microps Grey tilefish Western Atlantic 90 TL
1840 Caulolatilus princeps Ocean whitefish Eastern Pacific 102 TL
1977 Caulolatilus williamsi Yellowbar tilefish Western Central Atlantic 46.9 TL
1978 Hoplolatilus chlupatyi Chameleon sand tilefish Indo-West Pacific 13 TL
1974 Hoplolatilus cuniculus Dusky tilefish Indo-Pacific 16 TL
2007 Hoplolatilus erdmanni Triton tilefish Western Pacific 16 TL
1964 Hoplolatilus fourmanoiri Yellow-spotted tilefish Western Pacific 14 TL
1887 Hoplolatilus fronticinctus Pastel tilefish Indo-West Pacific 21 TL
1982 Hoplolatilus geo Western Indian Ocean
1989 Hoplolatilus luteus Yellow tilefish Indo-West Pacific 13 TL
1978 Hoplolatilus marcosi Redback sand tilefish Indo-Pacific 12 TL
1973 Hoplolatilus oreni Western Indian Ocean 14.1 SL
1997 Hoplolatilus pohle Pohle's tilefish Western Pacific 11 SL
1978 Hoplolatilus purpureus Purple sand tilefish Indo West Pacific 13 TL
2010 Hoplolatilus randalli Randall’s tilefish Indo West Pacific 15.4 SL
1974 Hoplolatilus starcki Stark's tilefish Indo Pacific 15.5 TL
1879 Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps Great northern tilefish Western Atlantic 125 TL
1915 Lopholatilus villarii Tile fish Southwest Atlantic 107 TL
1848 Malacanthus brevirostris Quakerfish Indo-Pacific 32 TL
1801 Malacanthus latovittatus Blue blanquillo Indo-Pacific 45 SL
1786 Malacanthus plumieri Sand tilefish Western Atlantic 70 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013