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Family: Trichiuridae Cutlassfishes

(See list of species below)

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45 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 72 cm SL

Aphanopus arigato
[Pacific black scabbardfish]
No picture found
Eastern Indian Ocean
Max. Length 77 cm SL

Aphanopus beckeri
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 77.8 cm SL

Aphanopus capricornis

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP

North Atlantic
Max. Length 151 cm TL
Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839

Photo by Cambraia Duarte, P.M.N. (c)ImagDOP
Aphanopus carbo
[Black scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 148 cm TL
Aphanopus intermedius Parin, 1983

Photo by FAO
Aphanopus intermedius
[Intermediate scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 100 cm SL
Aphanopus microphthalmus Norman, 1939

Photo by FAO
Aphanopus microphthalmus
[Smalleye scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Southeast Atlantic
Max. Length 90 cm TL
Aphanopus mikhailini Parin, 1983

Photo by FAO
Aphanopus mikhailini
[Mikhailin's scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Atlantic Ocean
Max. Length 250 cm SL
Assurger anzac (Alexander, 1917)

Photo by FAO
Assurger anzac
[Razorback scabbardfish]

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 100 cm TL
Benthodesmus elongatus (Clarke, 1879)

Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Benthodesmus elongatus
[Elongate frostfish]

Photo by FAO

Max. Length 50 cm SL
Benthodesmus macrophthalmus Parin & Becker, 1970

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus macrophthalmus
[Bigeye frostfish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 23 cm SL
Benthodesmus neglectus Parin, 1976

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus neglectus
[Neglected frostfish]

Photo by FAO

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 51 cm SL
Benthodesmus oligoradiatus Parin & Becker, 1970

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus oligoradiatus
[Sparse-rayed frostfish]

Photo by FAO

North Pacific
Max. Length 112 cm SL
Benthodesmus pacificus Parin & Becker, 1970

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus pacificus
[North-Pacific frostfish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 24 cm SL
Benthodesmus papua Parin, 1978

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus papua
[Papuan frostfish]

Photo by FAO

North Atlantic
Max. Length 130 cm SL
Benthodesmus simonyi (Steindachner, 1891)

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus simonyi
[Simony's frostfish]

Photo by FAO

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 18 cm SL
Benthodesmus suluensis Parin, 1976

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus suluensis
[Philippine frostfish]

Photo by JAMARC

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 230 cm SL
Benthodesmus tenuis (Günther, 1877)

Photo by JAMARC
Benthodesmus tenuis
[Slender frostfish]

Photo by FAO

Western Pacific
Max. Length 77 cm SL
Benthodesmus tuckeri Parin & Becker, 1970

Photo by FAO
Benthodesmus tuckeri
[Tucker's frostfish]

Photo by CSIRO

Max. Length 77 cm SL
Benthodesmus vityazi Parin & Becker, 1970

Photo by CSIRO
Benthodesmus vityazi
[Vityaz' frostfish]
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 47.5 cm TL

Demissolinea novaeguineensis
[New Guinean hairtail]

Photo by FAO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 70 cm TL
Eupleurogrammus glossodon (Bleeker, 1860)

Photo by FAO
Eupleurogrammus glossodon
[Longtooth hairtail]

Photo by Assadi, H.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 97.5 cm
Eupleurogrammus muticus (Gray, 1831)

Photo by Assadi, H.
Eupleurogrammus muticus
[Smallhead hairtail]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 161.5 cm SL

Evoxymetopon macrophthalmus
[Bigeye scabbard fish]

Photo by Golani, D.

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 83 cm SL
Evoxymetopon moricheni Fricke, Golani & Appelbaum-Golani, 2014

Photo by Golani, D.
Evoxymetopon moricheni

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 200 cm SL
Evoxymetopon poeyi Günther, 1887

Photo by FAO
Evoxymetopon poeyi
[Poey's scabbardfish]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 200 cm SL
Evoxymetopon taeniatus Gill, 1863

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Evoxymetopon taeniatus
[Channel scabbardfish]

Photo by Vaske Jr., T.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 66 cm SL
Lepidopus altifrons Parin & Collette, 1993

Photo by Vaske Jr., T.
Lepidopus altifrons
[Crested scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 79 cm SL
Lepidopus calcar Parin & Mikhailin, 1982

Photo by FAO
Lepidopus calcar
[Hawaiian ridge scabbardfish]

Photo by García Rodríguez, M.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 210 cm TL
Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788)

Photo by García Rodríguez, M.
Lepidopus caudatus
[Silver scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 43 cm SL
Lepidopus dubius Parin & Mikhailin, 1981

Photo by FAO
Lepidopus dubius
[Doubtful scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Eastern Pacific
Max. Length 210 cm SL
Lepidopus fitchi Rosenblatt & Wilson, 1987

Photo by FAO
Lepidopus fitchi
[Pacific scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Southeast Pacific
Max. Length 69 cm SL
Lepidopus manis Rosenblatt & Wilson, 1987

Photo by FAO
Lepidopus manis
[Ghost scabbardfish]

Photo by FAO

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 92 cm TL
Lepturacanthus pantului (Gupta, 1966)

Photo by FAO
Lepturacanthus pantului
[Coromandel hairtail]
No picture found
Western Pacific

Lepturacanthus roelandti

Photo by Osmany, H.B.

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 100 cm SL
Lepturacanthus savala (Cuvier, 1829)

Photo by Osmany, H.B.
Lepturacanthus savala
[Savalai hairtail]

Photo by CSIRO

Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 90 cm TL
Tentoriceps cristatus (Klunzinger, 1884)

Photo by CSIRO
Tentoriceps cristatus
[Crested hairtail]

Photo by FAO

Western Indian Ocean
Max. Length 35 cm TL
Trichiurus auriga Klunzinger, 1884

Photo by FAO
Trichiurus auriga
[Pearly hairtail]
No picture found
Western Pacific
Max. Length 67 cm TL

Trichiurus australis
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 54.5 cm TL

Trichiurus brevis
[Chinese short-tailed hairtail]

Photo by FAO

Indian Ocean
Max. Length 50 cm TL
Trichiurus gangeticus Gupta, 1966

Photo by FAO
Trichiurus gangeticus
[Ganges hairtail]

Photo by Flescher, D.

Circumtropical and temper
Max. Length 234 cm TL
Trichiurus lepturus Linnaeus, 1758

Photo by Flescher, D.
Trichiurus lepturus
[Largehead hairtail]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific

Trichiurus margarites

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 60 cm OT
Trichiurus nanhaiensis Wang & Xu, 1992

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Trichiurus nanhaiensis
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 70.2 cm TL

Trichiurus nickolensis
[Australian short tailed hairtail]
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 51 cm TL

Trichiurus russelli
[Short-tailed hairtail]
45 Species of Family Trichiuridae
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1994 Aphanopus arigato Pacific black scabbardfish Western Pacific 72 SL
1994 Aphanopus beckeri Eastern Indian Ocean 77 SL
1994 Aphanopus capricornis Western Pacific 77.8 SL
1839 Aphanopus carbo Black scabbardfish North Atlantic 151 TL
1983 Aphanopus intermedius Intermediate scabbardfish Atlantic Ocean 148 TL
1939 Aphanopus microphthalmus Smalleye scabbardfish Western Indian Ocean 100 SL
1983 Aphanopus mikhailini Mikhailin's scabbardfish Southeast Atlantic 90 TL
1917 Assurger anzac Razorback scabbardfish Atlantic Ocean 250 SL
1879 Benthodesmus elongatus Elongate frostfish Atlantic, Indian and Paci 100 TL
1970 Benthodesmus macrophthalmus Bigeye frostfish Indo-Pacific 50 SL
1976 Benthodesmus neglectus Neglected frostfish Western Central Pacific 23 SL
1970 Benthodesmus oligoradiatus Sparse-rayed frostfish Indian Ocean 51 SL
1970 Benthodesmus pacificus North-Pacific frostfish North Pacific 112 SL
1978 Benthodesmus papua Papuan frostfish Western Central Pacific 24 SL
1891 Benthodesmus simonyi Simony's frostfish North Atlantic 130 SL
1976 Benthodesmus suluensis Philippine frostfish Western Central Pacific 18 SL
1877 Benthodesmus tenuis Slender frostfish Western Atlantic 230 SL
1970 Benthodesmus tuckeri Tucker's frostfish Western Pacific 77 SL
1970 Benthodesmus vityazi Vityaz' frostfish Indo-Pacific. 77 SL
2003 Demissolinea novaeguineensis New Guinean hairtail Western Central Pacific 47.5 TL
1860 Eupleurogrammus glossodon Longtooth hairtail Indo-West Pacific 70 TL
1831 Eupleurogrammus muticus Smallhead hairtail Indo-West Pacific 97.5
2006 Evoxymetopon macrophthalmus Bigeye scabbard fish Northwest Pacific 161.5 SL
2014 Evoxymetopon moricheni Indian Ocean 83 SL
1887 Evoxymetopon poeyi Poey's scabbardfish Western Indian Ocean 200 SL
1863 Evoxymetopon taeniatus Channel scabbardfish Western Atlantic 200 SL
1993 Lepidopus altifrons Crested scabbardfish Western Atlantic 66 SL
1982 Lepidopus calcar Hawaiian ridge scabbardfish Northwest Pacific 79 SL
1788 Lepidopus caudatus Silver scabbardfish Eastern Atlantic 210 TL
1981 Lepidopus dubius Doubtful scabbardfish Eastern Atlantic 43 SL
1987 Lepidopus fitchi Pacific scabbardfish Eastern Pacific 210 SL
1987 Lepidopus manis Ghost scabbardfish Southeast Pacific 69 SL
1966 Lepturacanthus pantului Coromandel hairtail Indian Ocean 92 TL
1860 Lepturacanthus roelandti Western Pacific
1829 Lepturacanthus savala Savalai hairtail Indo-West Pacific 100 SL
1884 Tentoriceps cristatus Crested hairtail Indo-West Pacific 90 TL
1884 Trichiurus auriga Pearly hairtail Western Indian Ocean 35 TL
2005 Trichiurus australis Western Pacific 67 TL
1992 Trichiurus brevis Chinese short-tailed hairtail Northwest Pacific 54.5 TL
1966 Trichiurus gangeticus Ganges hairtail Indian Ocean 50 TL
1758 Trichiurus lepturus Largehead hairtail Circumtropical and temper 234 TL
1992 Trichiurus margarites Northwest Pacific
1992 Trichiurus nanhaiensis Western Pacific. 60 OT
2003 Trichiurus nickolensis Australian short tailed hairtail Indo-West Pacific 70.2 TL
1967 Trichiurus russelli Short-tailed hairtail Indo-West Pacific 51 TL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013