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Family: Pseudomugilidae Blue eyes

(See list of species below)

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18 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Max. Length 3 cm SL

Kiunga ballochi
[Glass blue-eye]
No picture found

Kiunga bleheri

Photo by Boeck, H.

Max. Length 5 cm SL
Pseudomugil connieae (Allen, 1981)

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil connieae
[Popondetta blue-eye]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Western Pacific
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL
Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis Allen & Sarti, 1983

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis
[Blueback blue-eye]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Max. Length 5 cm SL
Pseudomugil furcatus Nichols, 1955

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil furcatus
[Forktail rainbowfish]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 3.8 cm SL
Pseudomugil gertrudae Weber, 1911

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil gertrudae
[Spotted blue-eye]

Photo by Wilson, D.

Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL
Pseudomugil inconspicuus Roberts, 1978

Photo by Wilson, D.
Pseudomugil inconspicuus
[Inconspicuous blue-eye]

Photo by JJPhoto


Pseudomugil ivantsoffi Allen & Renyaan, 1999

Photo by JJPhoto
Pseudomugil ivantsoffi
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 5 cm TL

Pseudomugil majusculus
[Cape blue-eye]

Photo by Baesler, S.

Max. Length 3.5 cm SL
Pseudomugil mellis Allen & Ivantsoff, 1982

Photo by Baesler, S.
Pseudomugil mellis
[Honey blue eye]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Asia and Oceania
Max. Length 3.6 cm SL
Pseudomugil novaeguineae Weber, 1907

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil novaeguineae
[New Guinea blue-eye]
No picture found
Max. Length 3.5 cm TL

Pseudomugil paludicola
[Swamp blue-eye]

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 3 cm SL
Pseudomugil paskai Allen & Ivantsoff, 1986

Photo by JJPhoto
Pseudomugil paskai
[Paska's blue-eye]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Max. Length 3.1 cm SL
Pseudomugil pellucidus Allen & Ivantsoff, 1998

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil pellucidus

Photo by Boeck, H.

Max. Length 2.8 cm SL
Pseudomugil reticulatus Allen & Ivantsoff, 1986

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil reticulatus
[Vogelkop blue-eye]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Max. Length 7 cm SL
Pseudomugil signifer Kner, 1866

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil signifer
[Pacific blue eye]

Photo by Boeck, H.

Max. Length 5.5 cm SL
Pseudomugil tenellus Taylor, 1964

Photo by Boeck, H.
Pseudomugil tenellus
[Delicate blue-eye]
No picture found
Max. Length 2.5 cm SL

Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis
[Redfin blue eye]
18 Species of Family Pseudomugilidae
(Blue eyes)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1983 Kiunga ballochi Glass blue-eye Oceanic 3 SL
2004 Kiunga bleheri Oceania
1981 Pseudomugil connieae Popondetta blue-eye Oceania 5 SL
1983 Pseudomugil cyanodorsalis Blueback blue-eye Western Pacific 3.5 TL
1955 Pseudomugil furcatus Forktail rainbowfish Oceania 5 SL
1911 Pseudomugil gertrudae Spotted blue-eye Asia and Oceania 3.8 SL
1978 Pseudomugil inconspicuus Inconspicuous blue-eye Southwest Pacific 3.5 TL
1999 Pseudomugil ivantsoffi Asia
1984 Pseudomugil majusculus Cape blue-eye Western Central Pacific 5 TL
1982 Pseudomugil mellis Honey blue eye Oceania 3.5 SL
1907 Pseudomugil novaeguineae New Guinea blue-eye Asia and Oceania 3.6 SL
1981 Pseudomugil paludicola Swamp blue-eye Oceania 3.5 TL
1986 Pseudomugil paskai Paska's blue-eye Oceania 3 SL
1998 Pseudomugil pellucidus Asia 3.1 SL
1986 Pseudomugil reticulatus Vogelkop blue-eye Asia 2.8 SL
1866 Pseudomugil signifer Pacific blue eye Oceania 7 SL
1964 Pseudomugil tenellus Delicate blue-eye Oceania 5.5 SL
1991 Scaturiginichthys vermeilipinnis Redfin blue eye Oceania 2.5 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013