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Family: Telmatherinidae Sailfin silversides

(See list of species below)

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18 species (see list below)

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Photo by Hadiaty, R.K.

Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 4.5 cm TL
Kalyptatherina helodes (Ivantsoff & Allen, 1984)

Photo by Hadiaty, R.K.
Kalyptatherina helodes
[Marine sailfin silverside]

Photo by Hadiaty, R.K.

Max. Length 8 cm SL
Marosatherina ladigesi (Ahl, 1936)

Photo by Hadiaty, R.K.
Marosatherina ladigesi
[Celebes rainbowfish]
No picture found
Max. Length 20 cm TL

Paratherina cyanea
No picture found
Max. Length 10.3 cm TL

Paratherina labiosa
No picture found
Max. Length 14.2 cm TL

Paratherina striata
No picture found
Max. Length 15 cm TL

Paratherina wolterecki
No picture found
Max. Length 6.8 cm SL

Telmatherina abendanoni
No picture found
Max. Length 7.7 cm SL

Telmatherina albolabiosus
No picture found
Max. Length 8.5 cm SL

Telmatherina antoniae

Photo by JJPhoto

Max. Length 6.5 cm SL
Telmatherina bonti Weber & de Beaufort, 1922

Photo by JJPhoto
Telmatherina bonti

Photo by Dubosc, J.

Max. Length 6.8 cm SL
Telmatherina celebensis Boulenger, 1897

Photo by Dubosc, J.
Telmatherina celebensis
[Celebes rainbow]
No picture found
Max. Length 4.7 cm SL

Telmatherina obscura
No picture found
Max. Length 6 cm TL

Telmatherina opudi
No picture found
Max. Length 8.4 cm SL

Telmatherina prognatha
No picture found
Max. Length 6.6 cm SL

Telmatherina sarasinorum
No picture found
Max. Length 5.2 cm SL

Telmatherina wahjui
No picture found
Max. Length 5.5 cm SL

Tominanga aurea
No picture found
Max. Length 5.4 cm SL

Tominanga sanguicauda
18 Species of Family Telmatherinidae
(Sailfin silversides)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1984 Kalyptatherina helodes Marine sailfin silverside Western Central Pacific 4.5 TL
1936 Marosatherina ladigesi Celebes rainbowfish Asia 8 SL
1935 Paratherina cyanea Asia 20 TL
1935 Paratherina labiosa Asia 10.3 TL
1935 Paratherina striata Asia 14.2 TL
1935 Paratherina wolterecki Asia 15 TL
1913 Telmatherina abendanoni Asia 6.8 SL
2008 Telmatherina albolabiosus Asia 7.7 SL
1991 Telmatherina antoniae Asia 8.5 SL
1922 Telmatherina bonti Asia 6.5 SL
1897 Telmatherina celebensis Celebes rainbow Asia 6.8 SL
1991 Telmatherina obscura Asia 4.7 SL
1991 Telmatherina opudi Asia 6 TL
1991 Telmatherina prognatha Asia 8.4 SL
1991 Telmatherina sarasinorum Asia 6.6 SL
1991 Telmatherina wahjui Asia 5.2 SL
1990 Tominanga aurea Asia 5.5 SL
1990 Tominanga sanguicauda Asia 5.4 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013