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Family: Synaphobranchidae Cutthroat eels

(See list of species below)

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38 species (see list below)

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No picture found
Western Central Atlantic

Atractodenchelys phrix

Photo by Karmovskaya, E.

Southwestern Pacific

Atractodenchelys robinsorum Karmovskaya, 2003

Photo by Karmovskaya, E.
Atractodenchelys robinsorum

Photo by Yau, B.

Circum-austral, except ea
Max. Length 180 cm TL
Diastobranchus capensis Barnard, 1923

Photo by Yau, B.
Diastobranchus capensis
[Basketwork eel]

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 52 cm TL
Dysomma anguillare Barnard, 1923

Photo by NOAA\NMFS\Mississippi Laboratory
Dysomma anguillare
[Shortbelly eel]

Photo by Costa, F.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 30 cm TL
Dysomma brevirostre (Facciolà, 1887)

Photo by Costa, F.
Dysomma brevirostre
[Pignosed arrowtooth eel]
No picture found

Dysomma bucephalus

Photo by Shao, K.T.


Dysomma dolichosomatum Karrer, 1983

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Dysomma dolichosomatum
No picture found
Western Indian Ocean

Dysomma fuscoventralis

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan

Max. Length 19.7 cm TL
Dysomma goslinei Robins & Robins, 1976

Photo by The Fish Database of Taiwan
Dysomma goslinei
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 19.6 cm TL

Dysomma longirostrum

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Western Pacific.
Max. Length 23.7 cm TL
Dysomma melanurum Chen & Weng, 1967

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Dysomma melanurum
No picture found

Dysomma muciparus
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 42.1 cm TL

Dysomma opisthoproctus
No picture found

Dysomma polycatodon
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic

Dysomma tridens
No picture found
Eastern Central Atlantic

Dysommina proboscideus

Photo by Fischer, L.G.

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 37.1 cm TL
Dysommina rugosa Ginsburg, 1951

Photo by Fischer, L.G.
Dysommina rugosa

Photo by MNHN

Western Atlantic
Max. Length 51.1 cm TL
Haptenchelys texis Robins & Martin, 1976

Photo by MNHN
Haptenchelys texis

Photo by Almeida, A.J.

South Atlantic, Indian an
Max. Length 67 cm TL
Histiobranchus australis (Regan, 1913)

Photo by Almeida, A.J.
Histiobranchus australis

Photo by Reyes, R.B.

North Atlantic and North
Max. Length 137 cm
Histiobranchus bathybius (Günther, 1877)

Photo by Reyes, R.B.
Histiobranchus bathybius
[Deep-water arrowtooth eel]
No picture found
Southwest Pacific
Max. Length 69 cm TL

Histiobranchus bruuni
[Bruun's cutthroat]
No picture found
Eastern Pacific and North
Max. Length 44.7 cm TL

Ilyophis arx
No picture found
Northeast Atlantic, South
Max. Length 79.2 cm TL

Ilyophis blachei

Photo by SFSA

Atlantic, Indian and Paci
Max. Length 58 cm TL
Ilyophis brunneus Gilbert, 1891

Photo by SFSA
Ilyophis brunneus
[Muddy arrowtooth eel]
No picture found
Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 51.3 cm TL

Ilyophis nigeli
No picture found
Indo-West Pacific
Max. Length 34.8 cm TL

Ilyophis robinsae
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic

Ilyophis saldanhai
No picture found
Western Central Atlantic

Linkenchelys multipora

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Max. Length 73 cm TL
Meadia abyssalis (Kamohara, 1938)

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Meadia abyssalis
[Abyssal cutthroat eel]

Photo by Shao, K.T.

Northwest Pacific
Max. Length 74.5 cm TL
Meadia roseni Mok, Lee & Chan, 1991

Photo by Shao, K.T.
Meadia roseni

Photo by Armesto, A.

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 61 cm TL
Simenchelys parasitica Gill, 1879

Photo by Armesto, A.
Simenchelys parasitica
[Snubnosed eel]

Photo by SFSA

Circumglobal, except the
Max. Length 160 cm TL
Synaphobranchus affinis Günther, 1877

Photo by SFSA
Synaphobranchus affinis
[Grey cutthroat]

Photo by JAMARC

Circumtropical, except th
Max. Length 111 cm TL
Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis Günther, 1887

Photo by JAMARC
Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis
[Shortdorsal cutthroat eel]
No picture found
South Atlantic
Max. Length 68.5 cm TL

Synaphobranchus calvus
No picture found
North Atlantic

Synaphobranchus dolichorhynchus

Photo by DESCNA

Eastern Atlantic
Max. Length 100 cm TL
Synaphobranchus kaupii Johnson, 1862

Photo by DESCNA
Synaphobranchus kaupii
[Kaup's arrowtooth eel]
No picture found
Circumtropical, except in
Max. Length 111 cm TL

Synaphobranchus oregoni
No picture found
Western Central Pacific
Max. Length 24.3 cm SL

Thermobiotes mytilogeiton
38 Species of Family Synaphobranchidae
(Cutthroat eels)
Sort by: Species Length Year
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Year Scientific Name English Name Distribution Max. Length (cm)
1970 Atractodenchelys phrix Western Central Atlantic
2003 Atractodenchelys robinsorum Southwestern Pacific
1923 Diastobranchus capensis Basketwork eel Circum-austral, except ea 180 TL
1923 Dysomma anguillare Shortbelly eel Western Atlantic 52 TL
1887 Dysomma brevirostre Pignosed arrowtooth eel Eastern Atlantic 30 TL
1889 Dysomma bucephalus Indo-Pacific.
1983 Dysomma dolichosomatum Indo-Pacific.
1982 Dysomma fuscoventralis Western Indian Ocean
1976 Dysomma goslinei Indo-Pacific. 19.7 TL
2001 Dysomma longirostrum Northwest Pacific 19.6 TL
1967 Dysomma melanurum Western Pacific. 23.7 TL
1891 Dysomma muciparus Indo-Pacific.
1995 Dysomma opisthoproctus Northwest Pacific 42.1 TL
1983 Dysomma polycatodon Indo-Pacific.
1989 Dysomma tridens Western Central Atlantic
1913 Dysommina proboscideus Eastern Central Atlantic
1951 Dysommina rugosa Western Atlantic 37.1 TL
1976 Haptenchelys texis Western Atlantic 51.1 TL
1913 Histiobranchus australis South Atlantic, Indian an 67 TL
1877 Histiobranchus bathybius Deep-water arrowtooth eel North Atlantic and North 137
1964 Histiobranchus bruuni Bruun's cutthroat Southwest Pacific 69 TL
1976 Ilyophis arx Eastern Pacific and North 44.7 TL
1982 Ilyophis blachei Northeast Atlantic, South 79.2 TL
1891 Ilyophis brunneus Muddy arrowtooth eel Atlantic, Indian and Paci 58 TL
1997 Ilyophis nigeli Northwest Pacific 51.3 TL
1997 Ilyophis robinsae Indo-West Pacific 34.8 TL
1999 Ilyophis saldanhai Western Central Atlantic
1989 Linkenchelys multipora Western Central Atlantic
1938 Meadia abyssalis Abyssal cutthroat eel Indo-Pacific 73 TL
1991 Meadia roseni Northwest Pacific 74.5 TL
1879 Simenchelys parasitica Snubnosed eel Eastern Atlantic 61 TL
1877 Synaphobranchus affinis Grey cutthroat Circumglobal, except the 160 TL
1887 Synaphobranchus brevidorsalis Shortdorsal cutthroat eel Circumtropical, except th 111 TL
2007 Synaphobranchus calvus South Atlantic 68.5 TL
1913 Synaphobranchus dolichorhynchus North Atlantic
1862 Synaphobranchus kaupii Kaup's arrowtooth eel Eastern Atlantic 100 TL
1960 Synaphobranchus oregoni Circumtropical, except in 111 TL
1991 Thermobiotes mytilogeiton Western Central Pacific 24.3 SL

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cfm script by eagbayani, 30.11.04, ,  php script by cmilitante, 05/11/2010 ,  last modified by cmilitante, 14/03/2013