Photo(s) contributed by Moncey Vincent
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Scientific Name Country Locality Date taken Picture
Laubuka fasciata India Kerala 2008-03-30 Chfas_un.jpg
Hypselobarbus thomassi India Chalakudy River, Athirappilly 2010-05-30 Hytho_u0.jpg
Macrognathus guentheri India Irinjalakuda, Thrissur 2004-11-20 Mague_u1.jpg
Monopterus digressus India Alur, Thrissur 2008-03-14 Moeap_u0.jpg
Monopterus fossorius India Aloor, Irinjalakuda Mofos_u0.jpg
Monopterus fossorius India Aloor, Irinjalakuda Mofos_u1.jpg
Puntius parrah India Irinjalakuda 2008-07-22 Pupar_u3.jpg
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.May.1999 ,  php script by elaxamana, 01.June.2009 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:05 AM, 01.June.2009