Photo(s) contributed by Paulo Henrique Franco Lucinda
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Scientific Name Country Locality Date taken Picture
Phalloceros alessandrae Brazil Antonina 1991-12-11 Phale_m0.jpg
Phalloceros alessandrae Brazil Antonina 1991-12-11 Phale_f0.jpg
Phalloceros anisophallos Brazil Parati 1988-02-10 Phani_m0.jpg
Phalloceros anisophallos Brazil Parati 1988-02-10 Phani_f0.jpg
Phalloceros aspilos Brazil rio Parati-Mirim 1989-01-20 Phasp_m0.jpg
Phalloceros aspilos Brazil rio Parati-Mirim 1989-01-20 Phasp_f0.jpg
Phalloceros buckupi Brazil Paraná 1988-07-07 Phbuc_f0.jpg
Phalloceros buckupi Brazil Paraná 1988-07-07 Phbuc_m0.jpg
Phalloceros elachistos Brazil Itarana 2000-10-18 Phela_m0.jpg
Phalloceros elachistos Brazil Itarana 2000-10-18 Phela_f0.jpg
Phalloceros enneaktinos Brazil Parati 1989-03-03 Phenn_m0.jpg
Phalloceros enneaktinos Brazil Parati 1989-03-03 Phenn_f0.jpg
Phalloceros harpagos Brazil rio São Francisco, Sapucaia 1990-08-06 Phhar_m0.jpg
Phalloceros harpagos Brazil rio São Francisco, Sapucaia 1990-08-06 Phhar_f0.jpg
Phalloceros heptaktinos Brazil Mariana Pimentel, Rio Grande do Sul 1997-05-23 Phhep_f0.jpg
Phalloceros heptaktinos Brazil Mariana Pimentel, Rio Grande do Sul 1997-05-23 Phhep_m0.jpg
Phalloceros leptokeras Brazil rio São Francisco, Sapucaia 1990-08-06 Phlep_m0.jpg
Phalloceros leptokeras Brazil rio São Francisco, Sapucaia 1990-08-06 Phlep_f0.jpg
Phalloceros leticiae Brazil Aruanã Phlet_m0.jpg
Phalloceros leticiae Brazil Aruanã Phlet_f0.jpg
Phalloceros lucenorum Brazil São Paulo 1988-07-27 Phluc_m0.jpg
Phalloceros lucenorum Brazil São Paulo 1988-07-27 Phluc_f0.jpg
Phalloceros malabarbai Brazil Itapoá 1985-12-22 Phmal_m0.jpg
Phalloceros malabarbai Brazil São Francisco do Sul 1985-12-22 Phmal_f0.jpg
Phalloceros megapolos Brazil Pirabeiraba 1989-05-04 Phmeg_m0.jpg
Phalloceros megapolos Brazil Pirabeiraba 1989-05-04 Phmeg_f0.jpg
Phalloceros mikrommatos Brazil 1986-02-25 Phmik_f0.jpg
Phalloceros mikrommatos Brazil Porto Seguro 1986-02-25 Phmik_m0.jpg
Phalloceros ocellatus Brazil Prado 1985-03-19 Phoce_m0.jpg
Phalloceros ocellatus Brazil Prado 1985-03-19 Phoce_f0.jpg
Phalloceros pellos Brazil Antonina 2002-09-23 Phpel_m0.jpg
Phalloceros pellos Brazil Antonina 2002-09-23 Phpel_f0.jpg
Phalloceros reisi Brazil Apiaí 1997-01-10 Phrei_m0.jpg
Phalloceros reisi Brazil Apiaí 1997-01-10 Phrei_f0.jpg
Phalloceros spiloura Brazil Itati 2002-03-26 Phspi_m1.jpg
Phalloceros spiloura Brazil Itati 2002-03-26 Phspi_f1.jpg
Phalloceros titthos Brazil Guaratuba 1977-09-23 Phtit_f0.jpg
Phalloceros titthos Brazil rio da Praia 1988-02-18 Phtit_m0.jpg
Phalloceros tupinamba Brazil rio Macacu 1997-01-19 Phtup_m0.jpg
Phalloceros tupinamba Brazil São Paulo 1997-01-19 Phtup_f0.jpg
Phalloceros uai Brazil Lagoa Santa 2000-11-24 Phuai_m0.jpg
Phalloceros uai Brazil Lagoa Santa 2000-11-24 Phuai_f0.jpg
Steindachnerina notograptos Brazil Rio Palmas, Tocantins 2007-05-29 Stnot_u0.gif
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cfm script by eagbayani, 10.May.1999 ,  php script by elaxamana, 01.June.2009 ,  last modified by elaxamana, 11:05 AM, 01.June.2009