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Nezumia duodecim   picture (Neduo_u0.jpg) by González, J.A./ULPGC  
Nezumia duodecim

Size (cm): 7.3 other
Locality: Cape Verde, Ponta Antónia, Boa Vista Island  
Reference: González, J.A., A. Martins, J.I. Santana, R. Triay-Portella, C. Monteiro, V. García-Martin, S. Jiménez, G. González-Lorenzo, J.G. Pajuelo, J.M. Lorenzo and M. Biscoito, 2014. New and rare records of teleost fishes from the Cape Verde Islands (eastern-central Atlantic Ocean). Cybium 38(4):289-300.  
Remark: MMF39286; (size refers to PAL - pre-anal length); June 2005. 
Entered: González, José Antonio - 02.02.15
Copyright © González, José Antonio. All rights reserved. Image may not be used for any purpose without permission from the copyright holder.
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