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List of uploaded photos online by Gerhard H. F. Ott

Records 1 - 15 of  77      Next     |     View all     |     View all uploaded photos in FishBase
n = 77        Sort by Species Country Picture Provider Date uploaded Active       Show picture
ID Species Date uploaded Country Locality Provider E-mail Picture
29549 Barbodes binotatus 2017-04-02 Thailand   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_bin_sl_Samui_Gerhard_Ott.jpg
29548 Barbodes binotatus 2017-04-02 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_bin_NSum_1999_Gerhard_Ott.jpg
29547 Barbodes binotatus 2017-04-02 Indonesia   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_bin_juv.jpg
29546 Barbodes binotatus 2017-04-02 Indonesia   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_bin_Bali_1999_Gerhard_Ott.jpg
29545 Barbodes aurotaeniatus 2017-04-02 Thailand   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_aur_Chu.jpg
29543 Barbodes rhombeus 2017-04-02 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_rho_ZFMK_56831_roe.jpg
29517 Barbodes binotatus 2017-03-28 Indonesia   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Bar_bin_Bali_1999_2.jpg
29516 Homaloptera confuzona 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Homaloptera_confuzona_2_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg
29515 Homaloptera confuzona 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Homaloptera_confuzona_1_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg.jpg
29514 Hampala macrolepidota 2017-03-28 Indonesia North Sumatra, Bukit Lawang  Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Hampala_macrolepidota_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg
29513 Notropis chrosomus 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Notropis_chrosomus_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg
29512 Balitora meridionalis 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Balitora_meridionalis_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg
29511 Aplocheilus lineatus 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Aplocheilus_lineatus_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg
29510 Dario dario 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Dario_dario_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg
29509 Rhinogobius nantaiensis 2017-03-28 Germany   Gerhard Ott gerhard-ott@sach-fach.de  Rhinogobius_nantaiensis_by_Gerhard_Ott_185.jpg