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List of uploaded photos online by Amanda Bonita Smith

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ID Species Date uploaded Country Locality Provider E-mail Picture
21052 Albula vulpes 2013-10-25 USA Apalachicola Bay, FL, 06.05.2013, SL 23mm  Amanda B. Smith, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Fisheries Independent Monitoring Program Amanda.Smith@myFWC.com  Albula_vulpes_AP06.05.13.jpg
21030 Anarchopterus criniger 2013-10-22 USA Apalachee Bay-near St. Marks NWR, 09.2013, ~ 70 mm  Amanda B. Smith, Fisheries Biologist, Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute Amanda.Smith@myfwc.com  IMGP1171.JPG
20314 Carcharhinus porosus 2013-09-02 USA Matagorda Bay, Texas, 09.30.2008, juvenile male  Amanda Bonita Smith amanda.smith@myfwc.com  Smalltail09.30.08_3.jpg
20313 Carcharhinus porosus 2013-09-02 USA Matagorda Bay, Texas, 09.30.2008, juvenile male  Amanda Bonita Smith amanda.smith@myfwc.com  Smalltail09.30.08_2.jpg
20312 Carcharhinus porosus 2013-09-02 USA Matagorda Bay, Texas, 09.30.2008, juvenile male  Amanda Bonita Smith amanda.smith@myfwc.com  Smalltail09.30.08_1.jpg