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List of uploaded photos online by Thorke A.S. Østergaard

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ID Species Date uploaded Country Locality Provider E-mail Picture
6907 Liza aurata 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Los Gigantes, Tenerife. 25. jan 2004. 44 cm TL 820 g  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  Liza_auratusheadlille.jpg
6906 Liza aurata 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Los Gigantes, Tenerife. 25. jan 2004. 44 cm TL 820 g  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  Liza2lille.jpg
6905 Trachinotus ovatus 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Santiago, Tenerife. 23. jan 2004  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  derbio2lille.jpg
6904 Labrisomus nuchipinnis 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Santiago, Tenerife 23. jan 2004  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  labrisomus1lilleb.jpg
6903 Labrisomus nuchipinnis 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Santiago, Tenerife 23. jan 2004  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  Labrisomus3lille.jpg
6902 Sardinella aurita 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Los Gigantes, Tenerife 26. jan 2004  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  Sardina.jpg
6901 Symphodus trutta 2009-08-22 Canary Is. Santiago, Tenerife 23. jan 2004  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  Centrolabruslille.jpg
6898 Echiichthys vipera 2009-08-21 UK Engld Wal The Wash, Norfolk. 7. aug 09. 18 cm TL  Thorke thorkea@gmail.com  LlFjaesinglille.jpg