
Cheilodactylus bergiCastaneta333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Cheilodactylus macropterusTarakihi333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Cheilodactylus variegatusPeruvian morwong333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Cheimerius nufarSanter seabream333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chelidonichthys capensisCape gurnard333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chelidonichthys kumuBluefin gurnard333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chelidonichthys lucernaTub gurnard333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chelidonichthys sppIndo-Pacific gurnards333.50.26

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chelonia mydasGreen turtle722.10.3

Pauly, D., M. Soriano-Bartz and M.L.D. Palomares. 1993. Improved construction, parametrization and interpretation of

steady-state ecosystem models. p. 1-13. In D. Pauly and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems.

ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

Cherax destructorYabby crayfish412.20.23

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Cherax quadricarinatusRed claw crayfish412.20.23

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Cherax tenuimanusMarron crayfish412.20.23

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chionodraco rastrospinosusOcellated icefish333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chionoecetes opilioQueen crab422.30.24

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chionoecetes sppPacific snow crabs422.30.24

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chirocentrus dorabDorab wolf-herring352.80.27

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chirocentrus sppWolf-herrings352.80.27

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Chlamys islandicaIceland scallop552.10.29

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1993. Stratified models of large marine ecosystems: a general approach, and an application

to the South China Sea. p. 148-174. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Stress, Mitigation and

Sustainability of Large

Chlamys opercularisQueen scallop552.10.29

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1993. Stratified models of large marine ecosystems: a general approach, and an application

to the South China Sea. p. 148-174. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Stress, Mitigation and

Sustainability of Large

Chlamys purpurataPurple scallop552.10.29

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1993. Stratified models of large marine ecosystems: a general approach, and an application

to the South China Sea. p. 148-174. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Stress, Mitigation and

Sustainability of Large

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