
Hipposus hipposusBear pow clam562.10.13

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Hirundichthys affinisFourwing flyingfish343.10.25

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steady-state ecosystem models. p. 1-13. In D. Pauly and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems.

ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

HolocephaliChimaeras nei383.60.24

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HolothurioideaSea cucumbers nei762.30.61

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Homarus americanusAmerican lobster432.60.3

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Homarus gammarusEuropean lobster432.60.3

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Hoplosternum littoraleHassar133.10.28

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Hoplostethus atlanticusOrange roughy333.50.26

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Hydrolagus collieiSpotted ratfish383.60.24

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Hyperoglyphe antarcticaBluenose warehou333.50.26

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Hyperoodon ampullatusNorthern bottlenose whale624.20.49

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Hypomesus olidusPond smelt232.40.25

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Hypomesus pretiosusSurf smelt232.40.25

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Hypophthalmichthys molitrixSilver carp112.50.65

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Hypophthalmichthys spp112.50.65

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and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

Hypoptychus dybowskiiKorean sandeel333.40.06

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Hyporhamphus sajoriJapanese halfbeak343.80.13

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Ichthyoelephas humeralis133.10.28

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Ictalurus catusWhite catfish133.10.28

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Ictalurus furcatusBlue catfish133.10.28

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

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