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Rastrelliger faughniIsland mackerel373.30.28

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Rastrelliger kanagurtaIndian mackerel373.30.28

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Reinhardtius hippoglossoidesGreenland halibut313.50.26

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Rexea solandriSilver gemfish373.40.29

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Rhabdosargus globicepsWhite stumpnose333.50.26

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Rhabdosargus sarbaGoldlined seabream333.50.26

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Rhinobatos albomaculatusWhitespotted guitarfish383.50.52

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Rhinobatos planicepsPacific guitarfish383.50.52

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RhodophyceaeRed seaweeds9210

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Rhodymenia palmataDulse9210

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