
Scomberomorus cavallaKing mackerel3640.17

Arreguin-Sanchez, F., E. Valero-Pacheco and E.A. Chavez. 1993. A trophic box model of the coastal fish communities of the

Southwestern Gulf of Mexico. p. 195-205. In D. Pauly and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems.

ICLARM Conf. Pro

Scomberomorus commersonNarrow-barred Spanish mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus concolorMonterey Spanish mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus guttatusIndo-Pacific king mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus koreanusKorean seerfish3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus lineolatusStreaked seerfish3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus maculatusAtlantic Spanish mackerel363.90.29

Arreguin-Sanchez, F., E. Valero-Pacheco and E.A. Chavez. 1993. A trophic box model of the coastal fish communities of the

Southwestern Gulf of Mexico. p. 195-205. In D. Pauly and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems.

ICLARM Conf. Pro

Scomberomorus multiradiatusPapuan seerfish3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus munroiAustralian spotted mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus niphoniusJapanese Spanish mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus plurilineatusKanadi kingfish3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus queenslandicusQueensland school mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus regalisCero363.60.52

Opitz, S.. 1993. A quantitative model of the trophic interactions in a Caribbean coral reef ecosystem. p. 269-278. In D.

Pauly and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

Scomberomorus semifasciatusBroad-barred king mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus sierraPacific sierra3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus sinensisChinese seerfish3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

Scomberomorus sppSeerfishes nei363.90.37

Jarre-Teichmann, A. and V. Christensen. 1997. Trophic flow patterns in large upwelling ecosystems. ICLARM Studies and

Reviews 24.

Scomberomorus tritorWest African Spanish mackerel3640.12

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1995. Primary production required to sustain global fisheries Nature 374: 255-257.

ScombridaeMackerels, nei373.20.55

Pauly, D. and V. Christensen. 1993. Stratified models of large marine ecosystems: a general approach, and an application

to the South China Sea. p. 148-174. In K. Sherman, L.M. Alexander and B.D. Gold (eds.) Stress, Mitigation and

Sustainability of Large

ScombroideiTuna-like fishes nei363.80.34

Mendoza, J.J.. 1993. A preliminary biomass budget for the northeastern Venezuela Shelf ecosystem. p. 285-297. In D. Pauly

and V. Christensen (eds.) Trophic models of aquatic ecosystems. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 26.

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