Zimba, P.V., L. Khoo, P.S. Gaunt, S. Brittain and W.W. Carmichael, 2001
Citation Zimba, P.V., L. Khoo, P.S. Gaunt, S. Brittain and W.W. Carmichael, 2001. Confirmation of catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), mortality from Microcystis toxins. J. Fish Dis. 24:41-47.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Paper URL
E-mail pzimba@ars.usda.gov
Address Thad Cochran Warmwater Aquaculture Center, PO Box 38, Stoneville 38976, MS, USA
Ref. No. 47465
Language English
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