Freire, K.D.M.F., 2004
Citation Freire, K.D.M.F., 2004. A database of landings data on Brazilian marine fisheries, 1980-2000. p. 181-189. In Zeller, D., Booth, S., Mohammed, E. and Pauly D. (eds.), From Mexico to Brazil. Central Atlantic fisheries catch trends and ecosystem models. Fish. Cent. Res. Rep. 12(2), 264 pp.
Paper URL
Address Fisheries Center, 2259 Lower Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z4
Ref. No. 52387
Language English
Usage not used yet
Remarks Cites FishBase in page 184; common names of fishes in the database discussed have also been included in FishBase. Cites FishBase in page 186; cited as a source of common names. World Wide Web electronic publication, no date indicated.
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