Citation |
Watson, R., 2002. Mapping marine fisheries catches of West Africa: 1950 to 2000. p.131-138. In P. Chavance, M. Ba, D. Gascuel, G.M. Vakily and D. Pauly (eds.) Pêcheries, écosystèmes et sociétés en Afrique de l'Ouest : un demi-siècle de changement. Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Paris (France) and European Commission, Brussels (Belgium). |
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E-mail |
Address |
Fisheries Centre, University of British Colombia, 2259, Lower Mall, V6T 1Z4, Vancouver, B.C., Canada |
Ref. No. |
55540 |
Language |
English |
Usage |
not used yet |
Comments |
Remarks |
FishBase cited on page 134 on availability of depth and latitudinal ranges, and habitat requirements of most fishes.
Incomplete source citation. |
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