Ferreira, C.E., S.R. Floeter, J.L. Gasparini, B.P. Ferreira and J.C. Joyeux, 2004
Citation Ferreira, C.E., S.R. Floeter, J.L. Gasparini, B.P. Ferreira and J.C. Joyeux, 2004. Trophic structure patterns of Brazilian reef fishes: a latitudinal comparison. J. Biogeogr. 31:1093-1106.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Paper URL
E-mail kadu@alternex.com.br
Address S.R. Floeter, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California, 735 State Street Suite, Santa Barbara, CA 93101-5504, USA
Ref. No. 58651
Language English
Usage not used yet
Remarks Brazil; communities; fishing; Herbivory; latitudinal gradient; phylogeny; rocky reefs; South Atlantic; trophic structure;
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