Abu Talib, A., H.A.A. Abdul Haris, M. Halimah, M.S. Mohd Faisal and N. Ahmad Adnan, 2006
Citation Abu Talib, A., H.A.A. Abdul Haris, M. Halimah, M.S. Mohd Faisal and N. Ahmad Adnan, 2006. Changes in density and diversity of fish resources before and after the tsunami in the southwest coast of Penang Island using K.K. MERSUJI. Proceedings of Seminar on Impacts of Tsunami on Fisheries and Coastal Areas ( 11 - 12 August 2005 ) Penang, Malaysia.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
Paper URL
Ref. No. 84194
Language English
Remarks Citation for data contributed by the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI-Malaysia) under the ACB Marine Biodiversity Hotspots Project
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