Danzmann, R.G., M. Cairney, W.S. Davidson, M.M. Ferguson, K. Gharbi, R. Guyomard, L.-E. Holm, E. Leder, N. Okamoto, A. Ozaki, C.E. Rexroad III, T. Sakamoto, J.B. Taggart and R.A. Woram, 2005
Citation Danzmann, R.G., M. Cairney, W.S. Davidson, M.M. Ferguson, K. Gharbi, R. Guyomard, L.-E. Holm, E. Leder, N. Okamoto, A. Ozaki, C.E. Rexroad III, T. Sakamoto, J.B. Taggart and R.A. Woram, 2005. A comparative analysis of the rainbow trout genome with 2 other species of fish (Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon) within the tetraploid derivative Salmonidae family (subfamily: Salmoninae). Genome 48:1037-1051.
DOI http://dx.doi.org/
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Ref. No. 87731
Language English
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