Bandpei, A., M.A.M. Mashhor, S.H. Abdolmaleki, S.H. Najafpour, A. Bani, R. Pourgholam, H. Fazli, H. Nasrolahzadeh and A.A. Janbaz, 2011
Citation Bandpei, A., M.A.M. Mashhor, S.H. Abdolmaleki, S.H. Najafpour, A. Bani, R. Pourgholam, H. Fazli, H. Nasrolahzadeh and A.A. Janbaz, 2011. The environmental effect on spawning time, length at maturity and fecundity of kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum, Kamensky, 1901) in southern part of Caspian Sea, Iran. Iranica J. Ener. Environ. 2(4):374-381.
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Address Ecological Research Institute of Caspian Sea, P.O. Box, 961, Sari, Iran
Ref. No. 96651
Language English
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