Fourmanoir, P. and J. Rivaton, 1979
Citation Fourmanoir, P. and J. Rivaton, 1979. Poissons de la pente récifale externe de Nouvelle-Calédonie et des Nouvelles-Hébrides. Cahiers de l'Indo-Pacifique 1(4):405-443.
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Ref. No. 104361
Language French
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Remarks Summary in English: Collections in moderately deep water (200-400 m) by trawling, bottom set lines and with traps in the vicinity of New Caledonia and New Hebrides, have resulted in sfty one species of fishes. Fifteen are recognized as new. The high number of new species can be explained by a fishing rather unusual carried on the outer reef slope which is steep and by trawling on the unprospected shelf off island of Pines which is rocky and corallous. Typical Fishes of these areas pertain to the genera Aulopus, Chlorophthalmus, Cyttomimus, Bembradium, Draconetta, Pteropsaron, Peristedion . Caught at the same depths in other regions of the Pacific, Monocentris Champsodon, Chelidoperca were not found. Three new sharks belong to the genus Squalus and lago.
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